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Statut Candidatures closes
The Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Grand Est, the Academy of Nancy-Metz and the territorial authorities partners continue the development of the «Residences of territory» – residencies in territories engaged in a Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education CT- EAC.
The objectives of this system are to:
- Contribute to the national priority for the generalisation of arts and cultural education (EAC)
- Facilitate multidisciplinarity and transversality within schools and territorial structures
- Reducing inequalities in access to art and culture
- Cooperate with socio-educational, cultural and associative actors of the territory to create links on the territory
- Support the artistic and cultural presence, especially in rural areas
The residency is based on the fundamental and inseparable steps related to the EAC:
- practice within an artistic project;
- encounter a work by discovering a creative process;
- appropriate the experience to give the desire to continue and share art and culture.
For the year 2024 and with the aim of establishing a real dynamic on the territory, the institutional partners and the actors of the territory have registered the first edition of the territorial residency scheme with the recruitment of an individual artist or a company wishing to conceive differently the act of creating, immersed in a territory in contact with its inhabitants.
The territory
The ten municipalities of the Communauté de Communes de la Porte des Vosges Méridionales (Dommartin-lès-Remiremont, Eloyes, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol, Le Val-d'Ajol, Plombières-les-Bains, Remiremont, Saint-Amé, Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont, Saint-Nabord, Vecoux) cover an area of 263 m² and, according to INSEE data for 2021, brings together 29,080 people. More than 60% of the territory is covered by forests and natural environments.
- approximately 164 km of waterways (including two watersheds, notably from the Moselle to
the North Sea and from the Lantern to the Mediterranean Sea) - 3 sites classified Natura 2000 (2 animated by the CCPVM)
- 8 spaces labeled «sensitive natural space» of which 4 are open to the public
The selected territory: the municipality of Remiremont
Founded in VIe century by monks, embellished for centuries by ladies Canons, Remiremont has always lived in the shadow of his abbey. Very quickly, the women’s abbey will become more and more important. Life on the monastery of Saint-Mont was very difficult both in terms of weather and religion. The nuns decided to settle down in the valley. And this is only the beginning of the fabulous story of these women with extraordinary political power, the most powerful in Lorraine.
It represents the most populous commune of the intercommunality with 7711 inhabitants in 2021 according to the INSEE. Many cultural, historical, medico-social and extracurricular actors are located in the territory of Remiremont but special attention will be paid to schools in the sector: 3 childcare facilities, 5 schools, 3 colleges, 3 high schools, 20 cultural associations, 3 intercommunal cultural facilities, 1 cultural center and 6 medico-social center.
The theme and artistic orientations
The theme was selected following a Culture Commission to act on the cultural project of the territory and thus strengthen the Vosges Secrètes brand identity. The specifications of this residence leave the door open to multiple proposals in various forms
and artistic practices.
The content of the territory residence
For the artist
The residency is based on the artist’s creative approach, in resonance with the territory and its particularities. It integrates creative time specific to the artist and sharing time with the inhabitants. It stimulates creativity, the sharing of the sensitive, the artistic, the living. It must be geared towards sharing its discipline and its creative approach with the public, students and the entire educational community.
For the inhabitants
The residency allows the creation of links, sharing and openness to various artistic practices, particularly in rural areas. The residence supports the involvement of local stakeholders. It seeks to mix the public by associating other host institutions (EHPAD, Relais Petite Enfance, Centre Social…). It makes it possible to reduce inequalities in access to art and culture and to cooperate with the socio-educational, cultural and associative actors of the territory to create links on the territory. It thus meets the objectives of the Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education.
Eligible artists
The call for applications is open to solo artists or companies who live and work outside the territory of the Community of Communes of the Porte des Vosges Méridionales. The objective, by this choice, is to allow, on the one hand, to make discover new artists to the actors of the territory and, on the other hand, to take part in this project and, thus apprehend and work with the characteristics of an environment that is not familiar to them. Artists wishing to respond to the call for applications will have to prove a current creation and a recognized artistic requirement, specified in the attached CV, affiliation to a specific regime (intermittence, artists' house, AGESSA, etc.), and not being employed full-time on another activity. The artist (or company) must also be versatile in his work and have one or more experience (s) with various audiences.
The public
The young audience
Within the framework of the Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education, the residence of territory will address more specifically to the age group 0-25 years, on the school and extracurricular time. The CT-EAC referent, in collaboration with the representatives of the national education, will be able to make the link between the artist and the schools which will facilitate the link and the work of the artist concerning the targeted audiences of the territory.
Other audiences
These audiences will be able to be the object of more punctual actions, according to the opportunities and the links woven with the local associative fabric and the cultural partners.
• Children and their families at large (children, parents, grandparents, others) to work on intergenerational dialogue,
• Medical or medical-educational institutions (EHPAD, Hospital, IME, etc.),
• Individuals who are distant from culture, particularly in priority neighbourhoods or in remote areas,
These audiences correspond to different environments (schools, leisure facilities, cultural institutions, medico-social and socio-cultural).
Duration, budget, location
The territory residency will take place over 6 weeks, between January and June 2025.
In detail, the budget allocated for funding artistic interventions and preparation hours is € 10,000 (for the 6 weeks of residency). It includes the remuneration of the artist (expenses included) for all his work (meeting, creation, preparation, dissemination, creation) while including small material. A “fee” envelope includes accommodation, meals, travel. This envelope will be refined according to the real needs during the co-construction period of the project (autumn 2024).
The beneficiaries of the residence, may, within the framework of interventions or complementary actions, commit an envelope that will be their own (exit, material, etc.) in particular via the Pass Culture credits available for the establishments of 2nd degree.
The residency will take place in participating educational institutions as well as in any places made available by the municipalities. The public may be required to move according to the possibilities of each and the needs (parts of the project mixing several types of public, outdoor interventions...).
The CCPVM is not able to make a vehicle available to the resident artist. It must imperatively be autonomous in terms of mobility and thus have a vehicle and permit B. The artist (or company) involved must be conveyed in order to intervene at best on the territory.
For more information: download the specifications below
- Mid-April 2024: launch of the call
- 26 May 2024: closing of the call for applications
- 17 June: pre-selection of 3 artists/ artistic teams by the different partners of the project
- 9 July 2024: audition of the 3 artists/companies pre-selected
- September: presence in the targeted territory for a day of meeting, presentation and construction of the project with local actors
- Fall: joint construction of the residency between the CTEAC coordinator, the selected artist (or artistic team) and the partners of the territory
- From January 2025: realization of the residence
The call for applications for the establishment of a territory and creation residency is open to artists and companies. The elements must be provided by May 26, 2024, 18h, deadline, and by e-mail to Lolane COURNEZ, CT-EAC coordinator, at the following address: lolane.cournez@ccpvm.fr
The selection committee will be composed of the Ministries of Culture and National Education and Youth, the Vosges Department and the Community of Communes of the Porte des Vosges Méridionales, as well as cultural referents, representatives of the municipalities and schools that are associated.
For more information
Lolane Cournez,
Coordinator of the Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education, Community of Communes of the Porte des Vosges Méridionales (CCPVM)
06 17 20 69 43
Anaïs Guedon,
Cultural and Territorial Action Advisor, DRAC Grand-Est, Metz site
Sophie Renaudin,
Academic Delegate for Artistic Education and Cultural Action National Education and Youth Academy of Nancy-Metz
Carine Seigner,
Artistic and cultural education officer
Departmental Council of the Vosges/ Service of the cultural action and territorial sports
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