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Statut Candidatures closes
The Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Grand Est, the Academy of Nancy-Metz and the territorial authorities partners continue the development of the «Residences of territory» – residencies in territories engaged in a Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education CT- EAC.
The objectives:
- Contribute to the national priority for the generalisation of arts and cultural education (EAC)
- Facilitate multidisciplinarity and transversality within schools and territorial structures
- Reducing inequalities in access to art and culture
- Cooperate with socio-educational, cultural and associative actors of the territory to create links on the territory
- Support the artistic and cultural presence, especially in rural areas
The residency is based on the fundamental and inseparable steps related to the EAC:
- practice within an artistic project;
- encounter a work by discovering a creative process;
- appropriate the experience to give the desire to continue and share art and culture.
For the year 2024 and with the aim of establishing a real dynamic on the territory, the
DRAC and the actors of the territory have signed the first edition of the craft residency scheme
of art with the recruitment of craftsmen wishing to conceive differently the act of creating, in immersion in a territory in contact with its inhabitants.
The territory
The ten municipalities of the Communauté de Communes de la Porte des Vosges Méridionales (Dommartin-lès-Remiremont, Eloyes, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol, Le Val-d'Ajol, Plombières-les-Bains, Remiremont, Saint-Amé, Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont, Saint-Nabord, Vecoux) cover an area of 263 m² and, according to INSEE data for 2021, brings together 29,080 people. More than 60% of the territory is covered by forests and natural environments.
- approximately 164 km of waterways (including two watersheds, notably from the Moselle to
the North Sea and from the Lantern to the Mediterranean Sea) - 3 sites classified Natura 2000 (2 animated by the CCPVM)
- 8 spaces labeled «sensitive natural space» of which 4 are open to the public
The selected territory: the municipality of Plombières-les-Bains
Small town of 1600 inhabitants, nestled in a valley crossed by the river Augronne, Plombières does not lack charm. This thermal city of ancient origin is distinguished by its architectural homogeneity of Haussmann inspiration. Indeed, Plombières experienced its golden age under the Second Empire, when Napoleon III contributed to the extension of the baths and drew attention to this holiday resort. Many craft trades were mobilized in the development and decoration of buildings. The many spa guests brought a favorable economic vitality to the installation of craftsmen who found outlets with a demanding clientele. Thus, in Plombières the manufacture of quality objects sold as souvenirs: miniatures in polished steel; earthenware with speckled decoration; embroidery pieces; specific instruments with pinched ropes, the spruce of the Vosges; etc. Learn more
The fields concerned by the craft
The areas concerned by this residency correspond to the official list of the National Institute of Crafts. For more information, please consult the following link:
Eligible artists
The call for applications is open to craftsmen who reside and work outside the
territory of the Communauté de Communes de la Porte des Vosges Méridionales. The objective, by this choice, is to allow, on the one hand, to make discover new craftsmen of art to the actors of the territory and, on the other hand, to take part in this project, thus apprehend and work with the characteristics of an environment that is not familiar to them. The craftsman must be versatile in his work and have one or more experience (s) with various audiences.
The CCPVM is not able to make a vehicle available to the resident artist. It must imperatively be autonomous in terms of mobility and thus have a vehicle and permit B. The craftsman involved must be conveyed in order to intervene at best on the territory.
Duration, budget, location
The territory residency will take place over 6 weeks, not consecutive between September and December 2024
In detail, the budget allocated for the funding of artistic interventions and preparation hours is 8000 € (for the 6 weeks of residency). It includes the remuneration of the craftsman (expenses included) for all his work (meeting, creation, preparation, dissemination,
creation) while including small material. A “fee” envelope includes accommodation, meals, travel costs will be refined as required. The beneficiaries of the residence, may, within the framework of interventions or complementary actions, commit an envelope that will be their own (exit, equipment, etc. ) in particular via the Culture Pass credits available for establishments of 2nd degree.
For more information: download the specifications below
- Mid-April 2024: launch of the call
- 9 June 2024: closing of the call
- 9 July 2024: audition and selection
- July - August: co-construction of the residence
- September - December 2024: realization of the residence
The call for applications relating to the establishment of a territory and creation residence is open to crafts. The elements are to be provided by June 9, 2024, 18h, deadline, and by e-mail to Lolane COURNEZ, coordinator CT-EAC, at the following address: lolane.cournez@ccpvm.fr
- The identity card of the candidate including an updated CV showing the artistic career, contact details and SIRET
- Assessment of an arts and cultural education project already under way
- The memorandum of intent of a cultural residency project setting out proposals for actions comprising texts and visuals;
- The technical sheet, explaining the minimum requirements, in particular concerning the premises and the equipment necessary for the reception of the residence
- A detailed provisional budget by item of expenditure
- An indicative schedule of presence and intervention during the residency (the final project will be co-constructed and refined with the CT-EAC coordinator)
For more information
Lolane Cournez
Coordinator of the Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education, Community of Communes of the Porte des Vosges Méridionales (CCPVM)
06 17 20 69 43
Sandrine Doré
Head of the Louis Français Museum
Municipality of Plombières-Les-Bains
Culture project manager, Micro-Finance project manager
Community of Municipalities of the Porte des Vosges Méridionales (CCPVM)
Anaïs Guedon
Cultural and Territorial Action Advisor, DRAC Grand-Est, Metz site
Sophie Renaudin
Academic Delegate for Artistic Education and Cultural Action National Education and Youth Academy of Nancy-Metz
Carine Seigner
Artistic and cultural education officer
Departmental Council of the Vosges/ Service of the cultural action and territorial sports
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