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Statut Candidatures closes
Driven by the desire for a cultural and artistic offer accessible to all children of the territory, young people and their families, the agglomeration community of the Compiègne region has set itself the ambitious goal of extending this offer through the establishment of a local contract for arts and cultural education throughout life.
In partnership with the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Hauts-de-France, the Rectorate of the Academy of Amiens – Regional Academic Delegation for Arts and Cultural Education (DRAEAC) and the Department of National Education (DSDEN) de l'Oise, the agglomeration community of the Compiègne region offers a mission-residency to artists, regardless of their field of artistic expression.
He is therefore wanted an artist or collective of artists from various fields of expression (storytellers, comedians, comedians, composers, performers, singers, slammers, visual artists, street artists, multidisciplinary artists, etc.). The artist’s or artists' collective’s research must be based on the richness of the French language: spoken or written language, sung language, language games, alliance of language and music, etc.
The period of residence shall be 9 September 2024 to 1er march 2025. It is therefore a residence of four full months, or seventeen and a half weeks of physical presence (90 days in total), at a rate of 5 to 6 days per week.
How to participate in the call for applications?
Step 1:
Download the call for applications
Step 2:
Send your complete application package to:
Application deadline: 15 June 2024 deadline
For more information, please contact:
Christelle SZUWALSKI
CLEA Coordinator
The two proposed mission residences take place as part of the local arts education contract (CLEA) which brings together, over a number of years, the various public authorities mentioned above and which have chosen to implement them throughout life, thus taking into account, beyond youth alone, all the inhabitants of the community of communes.
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