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Statut Candidatures closes
Created by Onda and the SACD in 2020, TRIO(S) aims to promote the presence of choreographic works and encourage collaboration between broadcasting structures and choreographers throughout the country. As an extension, Onda and SACD joined forces in 2023 with the Caisse des Dépôts' sponsorship to propose a section dedicated to the choreographic emergence to highlight the signatures in the making.
Thus, the TRIO(S) program financially supports 1 multidisciplinary venue or at least 2 venues (multidisciplinary or dedicated) that broadcast at least 2 works of one (e) choreographer with at least 5 or more performances in the company’s region of establishment or with at least 3 or more performances outside the company’s region of establishment.
And the program TRIO(S) strand emergence financially supports 1 multidisciplinary place or at least 2 places (multidisciplinary or dedicated) that broadcast at least 1 work of an emerging choreographer (e) with at least 5 representations or more in the company’s region of establishment or with at least 3 representations or more outside the company’s region of establishment.
Choreographers who have created between 1 and 3 choreographic pieces in professional conditions.
For works:
— Must fall within the scope of contemporary choreographic creation in all its diversity
— May be addressed to any type of public, including young audiences,
— Created for the set, public space or any non-specialized space.
For locations:
For a multidisciplinary venue alone or at least 2 venues (multidisciplinary or dedicated: dance festival, CCN, CDCN, etc.) located in a coherent geographical area
— Broadcast at least one work by an emerging choreographer
— 3 or more representations outside the company’s operating region or with 5 or more representations in the company’s operating region, over a season or a 12-month period
Application file
The application file for the devices must be coordinated by one of the places, the project leader, and submitted via his account My Onda space.
If the request includes multiple delivery structures, a code is generated for the project. The supporting structure must transmit it to its partners in order to allow them to complete their TRIO(S) financial form online, via their My Onda account.
The supporting structure must attach all the components of the file (PDF format) via its My Onda account.
To help you present your project, click HERE to access a model model and see eligibility criteria defined in the Rules of TRIO(S) and the Regulation of TRIO(S) emerging component.
For any question, you can contact Gaëlle Petit (gaelle.petit@onda.fr/ 06 61 78 45 52).
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