Remaining days 0
Statut Candidatures closes
In the direction of a collective of artists in order to realize a residency-mission in favor of children and young people, within the framework of the Territorial Contract of Artistic and Cultural Education (CTEAC) on the territory of the Community of agglomeration Etampois Sud-Essonne, labeled Country of art and history, for the school year 2024-2025. This call for applications is addressed to companies or collectives working in various artistic fields by implementing the multidisciplinary: digital arts, theater, plastic arts, dance, music, scientific culture.
Framework of the residence-mission
In this context, a residency mission of artists for the purposes of Artistic and Cultural Education will take place on the territory of the Agglomeration Community of Étampois Sud-Essonne. It is expected to be implemented from the 2024-2025 school year for a period of four months, fractional.
Objectives and challenges of the mission residence
Registered on the territory of the Agglomeration Community of Étampois Sud-Essonne, this residence-mission must:
- Contribute to the artistic and cultural development of the territory;
- Contribute to the artistic and cultural education of children and youth in support of the three pillars of artistic and cultural education (the encounter with works artistic, heritage objects and artists, artistic practice individual and collective in diverse fields, knowledge sharing or appropriation of references, a specific lexicon to express one’s aesthetic emotions);
- Contribute to developing a critical mind of the participants through confrontation with different types of works, meetings and exchanges;
- Allow as many participants as possible to understand contemporary creation through encounters (artist, work, heritage) and familiarisation with an artistic approach;
- Allow the inhabitants (children, young people, adults) of the Agglomeration Community of Étampois Sud-Essonne to discover the local heritage (natural, historical, industrial, intangible, gastronomic) and to appropriate their territory;
- Foster intergenerational dialogue and encounter between different audiences (urban, rural, for example);
- Question the scriptures in the direction of young people.
Theme of the residence-mission: "Digital arts and territory"
Artistic disciplines of the residency-mission: project open to all artistic, cultural and scientific disciplines, by investigating the relationship between arts and sciences, with a dominant digital arts, while wishing to emphasize multidisciplinary and decompartmentalizing artistic practices: digital arts, plastic arts, visual arts, performing arts (theatre, dance, music, etc.)...
Application procedures
Profile sought
For this residency-mission, it is sought one or more artist(s) involving multidisciplinary various artistic fields of their choice, including digital arts. The artists sought must have a significant contemporary artistic production. Applications involving several artistic disciplines, including in fields other than those mentioned above, will be carefully examined.
Artists must master the oral and written use of the French language. Possession of a driving licence and a personal vehicle is essential.
The application elements to be provided are:
- A reasoned memorandum of intent (3 pages maximum) presenting the artistic orientations of the proposed project and taking into account the particularities of the territory of the Agglomeration Community of South-Essonne Étampois;
- A description of a workshop already carried out as part of another project led by the artist or the collective;
- Two proposals for holding workshops (including the pedagogical and artistic approach) for a group of children and a group of teenagers;
- A curriculum vitae describing experiences of mediation and cultural action (participation in a similar experience, mediation, training, etc.);
- Video clips if possible: educational workshops (max 2);
- A list of works to be distributed by age group and presentation files;
- A provisional budget for the Mission Residence providing an estimate of the technical, artistic and logistical resources required for its implementation;
- An availability calendar between October 2024 and the end of June 2025;
- A RIB and the SIRET number.
The entire file must be sent in digital format (PDF). In the event that the artist wishes to enrich his file with a DVD, CD or USB key, he specifies it in his e-mail and sends these pieces by post.
Selection calendar
- 31/05/2024: application deadline
- From 03/06/2024 to 06/06/2024: analysis of artistic files in coordination committee
- 06/06/2024: communication to candidates of the screening of applications
- 12/06/2024: hearing of artists or groups of artists
The entire file must be returned by May 31, 2024 at the latest by e-mail to the following addresses:
Mailing (for additional parts, DVDs, keys, etc.):
Axelle Legrand Libermann, Service Culturel - Communauté d'Agglomération de l'Etampois Sud-Essonne 76, rue Saint-Jacques 91150 Étampes
The selected candidates will necessarily be received by the steering committee on 12 June 2024: it is imperative to remain available for this single selection date!
The results of the selection will be communicated a few days later. Items submitted by unsuccessful candidates will be returned upon request.
For further information, please contact:
Axelle Legrand Libermann, Cultural Action Officer of the Inter-Communal Theatre and CTEAC Coordinator in Étampois Sud-Essonne:
axelle.legrand-libermann@caese.fr ; 01 75 59 70 49
Download the call for applications
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