Under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, there are around a hundred higher education establishments offering courses in areas such as architecture, art, performing arts, cultural heritage and film. These higher education establishments offer 44 graduate or post-graduate qualifications. Of the 5,500 graduates awarded one of these qualifications in 2011, the survey focuses on those who went into the world of work.
qualifications in 2011, the survey focuses on those who went into the world of work. graduates were working in a field related to their qualification. However, the integration rate varies according to sector: whilst 94% of performing arts graduates were in work, the architecture sector saw an 85% rate, and fine arts graduates 82%.
Similarly, working conditions vary according to sector. Three years after having graduated, young architects were in stable employment (71% of them were in salaried work), well-paid (earning a net average of €23,900 per annum in 2014) and working in their chosen field. Fine arts graduates on the other hand were working in rather less stable conditions. Half of them were in salaried employment and almost half of those (46%) were working on fixed-term contracts. Graphic design graduates were the best paid, earning a net average of €20,000 per annum in 2014, whilst art graduates declared far lower earnings (average annual income of €12,000).
In the performing arts, employment conditions vary from one discipline to another. So whilst the majority of those working in the music field are public sector employees (69%) and only represent 16% of intermittent pay benefit scheme recipients, some 88% of dramatic, circus and puppet arts graduates benefit from this particular scheme. In the performing arts sector, average incomes are lower (€17,200 per annum net).
Finally, in whichever field they graduated and whichever profession they entered post graduation, 86% of Culture graduates flourish at work.
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