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Statut Candidatures closes
Driven by the desire to reduce inequalities in access to art and culture, the community of communes of Vexin-Thelle sets an ambitious goal of generalization of an artistic and cultural education.
In partnership with the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Hauts-de-France, the Rectorate of the Academy of Amiens - regional academic delegation to artistic and cultural education, and the Departmental Directorate of National Education Services of Oise, in connection with the departmental council of Oise, the community of communes of Vexin-Thelle is looking for an artist or a group of professional artists under the performing arts, for a mission-residency that will expand on its territory.
It is a residence of four full months, or seventeen and a half weeks of physical presence (90 days in total), at a rate of 5 to 6 days per week, to be distributed over the period from September 30, 2024 to September 15, 2025.
How to participate in the call for applications?
Step 1:
Download the call for applications
Step 2:
Send your complete application package to: culture@vexinthelle.com
Application deadline: 29 May 2024 at 12:00 last deadline
Results announcement : by 14 June 2024
For more information, please contact:
Ms Laurence Lemaire - Cultural Action Coordinator
03 44 49 15
The community of communes of Vexin-Thelle has for several years, initiated and developed, with its partners, education and awareness programs, showing a permanent desire to offer children of the territory, young people and their families, the widest possible access to the cultural and artistic offer. With an ambitious goal of generalisation, it was decided to set up in 2019 a rural cultivation contract that will be renewed in 2024.
The rural culture contract gives a special place to an artistic and cultural education thought «throughout life», coherent and inter-communal, addressing all the inhabitants of the territory regardless of their age and all the professionals of the culture, social field, medico-social, health, associative life, etc. that compose it.
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