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Statut Candidatures closes
The Drac Occitanie has accompanied over the years many actions in different forms. In this year 2024, the Drac wishes to continue the orientation taken two years ago to promote the development of residencies of journalists in order to allow a longer presence in a territory and develop in this territory actions with audiences, places, local media.
The residence
The residency allows a professional journalist, or a collective, of the written press, online media, audiovisual or radio, a press cartoonist or a press photographer, to be present in a given territory, for a period of 6 weeks, grouped or spread out throughout the year, for meetings, workshops, conferences and/or co-productions of editorial projects with local residents and actors. During these 6 weeks, an effective presence on the territory (full time), exclusively, is expected from the journalist. In the case of a collective of journalists, this presence must correspond to at least one full-time equivalent over 6 weeks.
The residence must involve, in the given territory, a multiplicity of actors from cultural, educational, sociocultural, social, leisure structures and take place primarily outside school time.
A residency cannot be reduced to a series of media and information education workshops, such as information decryption. It must propose a variety of awareness-raising actions aimed at the public and it can also include (previously determined) days of work of the journalist on a personal subject of reporting relating to the territory, in respect of his independence.
Application procedures
Each project leader must send before 15 June 2024 an application to the DRAC, by e-mail to the following address: emi.occitanie@culture.gouv.fr
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