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Statut Candidatures closes
In the direction of performing artists in view of a residency-mission conducted in favor of the inhabitants of the Greater Paris South Agglomeration Community.
Within the framework of this call for projects, it is sought: a company or a collective attesting to a confirmed professional practice, whose approach, research and production fall within the field of artistic creation of the performing arts, plastic arts or multidisciplinary arts. In the continuity of the project led by the new management of the Théâtre de Corbeil-Essonnes, the company or collective sought are invited to propose a project focused on the relationship to propose a project focused on the relationship to the world and openness to the other who will have to take into account the territory in all its diversity.
Proposed theme: My territory - My vision
Candidates must demonstrate a proven professional practice and be able to fully participate in this particular type of action that the residence-mission represents. They must also be able to federate around their presence and their work a large school, educational and cultural community.
They must be able to propose modes of intervention adapted to different audiences (children, youth, adults, etc.), and be able to work independently.
This presence will reinforce the artistic approaches of companies in residence present on the territory of the Communauté d'Agglomération Grand Paris Sud.
The framework of the residence-mission
The Communauté d'Agglomération Grand Paris Sud is the result of the merger in 2016 of the agglomerations of Évry Centre Essonne (CAECE), Seine Essonne (CASE), and Sénart (Sénart), the Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle de Sénart en Essonne (SAN 91) and the town of Grigny until then integrated into the agglomeration of the Lakes of Essonne (CALE).
Grand Paris Sud is the second largest urban community in France (357,664). In two departments, Essonne and Seine-et-Marne, the agglomeration community includes 23 municipalities and 40 higher education institutions including 4 grandes écoles attracting more than 20,000 students.
The youth index of its population is 1.8 young people under 20 for a person 60 years and over against 1.3 for the Île-de-France.
The objectives of the residence are many:
- To enable the greatest number of people to understand a form of contemporary creation by provoking the encounter and a certain familiarisation with a strong artistic approach, in connection with a network of associations, public educational cultural facilities, of schools.
- Promote the access of young people to the cultural offer of the territory.
- Allow to appropriate the cultural resources present or proposed
- To make young people aware of the richness and diversity of the artistic forms of performing arts.
- Sensitize the family environment of children and young people to the cultural resources of the territory in order to reduce inequalities in access to the artistic and cultural offer of the territory.
- Contribute to the cultural and artistic development of the territory.
- Gather and federate the target audiences through a time of restitution or exchange (free form) in the closing of residence.
Target audiences and structures
- Students from kindergarten to high school, or even university, in a given territory.
- Public recreation centers and social centers and more generally for all young people and their families.
- Any public away from culture for social, economic or geographical reasons.
- Schools, leisure centres, cultural and sociocultural structures and structures of the social field, On the territory of the Greater Paris South agglomeration.
Procedure to follow for the application
- Can apply any company or collective of artists who can attest to a practice of performing arts and a professional news, French or foreign «resident in France» and mastering the French language.
- Candidates must be able to fully participate in this particular type of action that the residence-mission represents.
- The company or group must hold a driver’s license and have a personal vehicle.
The elements to be provided are: - A one-page memorandum of intent on the project developed and its challenges, specifically on the Communauté d'Agglomération Grand Paris Sud.
- A letter of motivation.
- A curriculum vitae.
- An artistic dossier (including a set of productions representative of the approach of the artist-candidate).
- A list of works/works available for distribution during, before or after the residency time.
- A calendar of availability.
- A provisional budget of the mission residence detailing the various positions (cultural actions, artistic workshops, dissemination of works, communication, restitution of work, etc.).
Selection process and schedule:
The applications received will be examined by a selection committee composed of representatives of the DRAC IDF, the National Education, the Department of Essonne, as well as representatives of cultural and social structures of the Communauté d'Agglomération GPS and the Corbeil-Essonnes theatre:
May 27, 2024: Deadline for submission To be sent electronically to: m.nauguet@grandparissud.fr
- June 5, 2024: Pre-selection results
- June 14, 2024: Hearing of shortlisted candidates.
The results of the selection will be communicated shortly after the June 14, 2024 presentations.
For more information
Mélissa NAUGUET - Responsible for the public and communication/ m.nauguet@grandparissud.fr
To download: Call for applications
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