Dance in France
Public choreographic institutions
The National Theatre of Chaillot
Théâtre national de la danse, the Théâtre national de Chaillot is a major national and international public venue for dance.
The Nationa Centrel of the ine (NDT)
Created in 1998 and based in Pantin and Lyon, the Centre national de la danse’s mission is to accompany and train professional dancers, preserve and disseminate choreographic heritage and support choreographic creation.
The Opera national of Paris
The Opéra national de Paris is a national and international reference for its lyrical, musical and choreographic policy. Its main missions are to make works of lyrical and choreographic heritage accessible to as many people as possible, to encourage the creation and representation of contemporary works, to participate in the development of opera and choreographic art in France and to present shows both in Paris and in the provinces and abroad, and to endeavour to disseminate its productions through audiovisual and especially digital means.
With its 154 permanent dancers, the Paris Opera Ballet takes on a mission to defend the historical repertoires of classical ballet while developing numerous projects with contemporary choreographers.
Choregraus centresNational Aphids (NCC)
Led by choreographic artists representing a wide variety of languages and forms of dance, the NCCs are primarily involved in creating and producing choreographic performances. They also provide support missions to independent companies, the development of cultural activities, professional training, dance awareness, and for some, artistic programming.
There are now 19 national choreographic centres.
The development centreselopNational Choreographic Development (CSCN)
The 12 CDCN present today on the national territory place at the center of their action the development of choreographic creation and its meeting with audiences, actions in favour of choreographic culture and support for choreographic creation in its diversity.
Other structures involved in the projectsupport creation and choreographic dissemination
In addition to the establishments specifically dedicated to this discipline, dance is also present in all the networks of the performing arts in France:
- The National Theatre of the Comic Opera
- Regional operas
- National Drama Centres
- The national scenes
- The agreed scenes (PDF)
The companies independent and support for choreographic creation
Support for choreographic creation is the essential foundation of the Ministère de la Clture’s support for independent choreographic artists. The Ministry of Culture promotes creation in the diversity of its forms and the plurality of its aesthetics. It aims to enable artists to develop their creative work and make it available to the widest possible audience throughout the country.
Today there are about 500 professional choreographic companies.
- Repertoire of French choreographic companies
- More information on decentralized support for choreographic creation
- National Dance Centre (CND)
- Artcena – National Circus, Street and Theatre Arts Centre
- Centre d'information des musiques et danses traditionnels (CIMT)
- Hip Hop House
- Numeridanse (online dance video library)
- (dedicated to dance publishing: books, DVDs)
- In Stages (INA website dedicated to live entertainment)
- National Scene Association
- Association of Dance Researchers (aCD)
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