Access to the Diplôme d'Etat de professeur de danse by means of validation of prior learning (VAE)
Access to the State Diploma of Dance Teacher through the means of validation of the acquired experience.
Since 2018, the Ministry of Culture has been organising access to the state diploma of dance teacher through the Validation of Prior Learning (VAE).
Registration requirements
The State diploma of dance teacher may be awarded by the VAE without age limit or nationality requirement for candidates with acquired skills:
- in the performance of dance teaching activities, employees, self employed, volunteers or volunteers, whether on a continuous basis or not, directly related to the activities and competences defined by the certification framework and in the diploma option indicated in the VAE application file;
- the total duration of cumulative activity required is at least 600 hours spread over a minimum period of one year;
The Ministry of Culture designates three centres to provide training leading to the award of the State diploma of dance teacher as centres for the validation of prior learning:
- École Supérieure Musique et danse Hauts-de-France - Lille (ESMD)
- Institut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse (ISDAT)
- The Pôle d'Enseignement Supérieur Musique et Danse Bordeaux-Aquitaine (PESMD)
National Forecast Schedule
2020: The Bordeaux-Aquitaine PESMD
19 rue de Monthyon - 33800 BORDEAUX
Tel: 05 56 91 36 84
The PESMD is in charge of the 2020-2021 session of VAE for all options: classical, contemporary and jazz.
Access to the procedure and information can be found at the following link:
Contact: - Tel: 05 56 91 36 84
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