

Le tayo est un créole à base lexicale française parlé en Nouvelle-Calédonie dans la commune du Mont-Dore, particulièrement dans la localité de Saint-Louis. Le nombre de locuteurs a été estimé à 2 000 en 1996 ; il s'agit pour certains d'une langue maternelle, pour d'autres (Wallisiens notamment) d'une langue seconde. Les divers recensements (source ISEE) des locuteurs indiquent : 609 (1996), 376 (2004), 904 (2009), 1033 (2014).

Classification par famille

  • langues créoles
    • langues créoles à base lexicale française
      • Tayo


  • alphabet latin


type : Document

Tayo Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based Languages Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis 2013

  • Auteur : Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis
  • Editeur : Oxford University Press
  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis. 2013. Tayo. In Susanne Maria Michaelis and Philippe Maurer and Martin Haspelmath and Magnus Huber (eds.), Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based Languages, 271-282. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
type : Document

Na pa kekari, na person: The Evolution of Tayo Negatives Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific na 2000

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Siegel, Jeff (ed.) 2000. Na pa kekari, na person: The Evolution of Tayo Negatives. In Siegel, Jeff (ed.), Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific.
type : Document

Predicting Substrate Influence: Tense-Modality-Aspect Marking in Tayo Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific na 2000

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Siegel, Jeff (ed.) 2000. Predicting Substrate Influence: Tense-Modality-Aspect Marking in Tayo. In Siegel, Jeff (ed.), Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific.
type : Document

The Tayo language of St Louis, New Caledonia SICOL: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 1, Language Contact Chris Corne 1998

  • Auteur : Chris Corne
  • Editeur : Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Chris Corne. 1998. The Tayo language of St Louis, New Caledonia. In Jan Tent and France Mugler (eds.), SICOL: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 1, Language Contact, 11-26. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.
type : Document

From Contact to Creole and Beyond na 1995 A contact-induced and vernacularized language: how Melanesian is Tayo?

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Baker, Ph. (ed.) 1995. A contact-induced and vernacularized language: how Melanesian is Tayo?. In Baker, Ph. (ed.), From Contact to Creole and Beyond.

Tayo Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based Languages Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis 2013

  • Auteur : Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis
  • Editeur : Oxford University Press
  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Sabine Ehrhart and Melanie Revis. 2013. Tayo. In Susanne Maria Michaelis and Philippe Maurer and Martin Haspelmath and Magnus Huber (eds.), Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based Languages, 271-282. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Na pa kekari, na person: The Evolution of Tayo Negatives Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific na 2000

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Siegel, Jeff (ed.) 2000. Na pa kekari, na person: The Evolution of Tayo Negatives. In Siegel, Jeff (ed.), Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific.

Predicting Substrate Influence: Tense-Modality-Aspect Marking in Tayo Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific na 2000

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Siegel, Jeff (ed.) 2000. Predicting Substrate Influence: Tense-Modality-Aspect Marking in Tayo. In Siegel, Jeff (ed.), Processes of Language Contact - Studies from Australia and the South Pacific.

The Tayo language of St Louis, New Caledonia SICOL: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 1, Language Contact Chris Corne 1998

  • Auteur : Chris Corne
  • Editeur : Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Chris Corne. 1998. The Tayo language of St Louis, New Caledonia. In Jan Tent and France Mugler (eds.), SICOL: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: Vol. 1, Language Contact, 11-26. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.

From Contact to Creole and Beyond na 1995 A contact-induced and vernacularized language: how Melanesian is Tayo?

  • Date de création :
  • Référence bibliographique : Baker, Ph. (ed.) 1995. A contact-induced and vernacularized language: how Melanesian is Tayo?. In Baker, Ph. (ed.), From Contact to Creole and Beyond.

Codes de langue

Code iso 639-3 cks