Title : Agriculture

Palynological analysis and macroscopic plant remains have shown that the occupation of coastal beaches has been accompanied by massive clearings of ground and use of lands for agriculture.

a hoe and a pruning hook A great number of agricultural tools has been found : fragments of ards or ploughs, pruning hooks, two prongs hoes, sickles, etc and a small pruning knife that might have been used to cut vine plants. All these tools have contributed to reconstruct the exploitation of the land. Sickles
On cleared grounds, men mainly cultivated cereals, which constituted the essential part of the food resources.
It seems that they cultivated very few vegetables (lentils, beans, peas and maybe carrots and corn salads too). However, orchards, planted as soon as the settlers had arrived, have abundantly produced cherries, apples, plums, pears and peaches. The culture of vine has been established.
Settlers also cultivated linen and hemp to make textiles.

Farmer-Knights return