Spring of rurality
On January 22, 2024, Rachida DATI, Minister of Culture, launched the “Printemps de la ruralité”, a national consultation dedicated to cultural life in rural areas: “Today, 22 million French people live in rural areas. This is one third of our population, 88% of our municipalities. While many initiatives bring a cultural offering to life in these territories, our cultural model seems to have missed this major reality of our country. I wish it would change, and I give us two months for that.”
The Bubble Multimedia library of Mazé
The media library La Bulle is the regional resource center dedicated to the 9th art. The season named Ellipse(s) consists of a theme, 3 comic book authors, 3 exhibitions and a two-month creative residency.
An annual eponymous publication allows to deepen the theme with interviews, commented bibliographies, original drawings...
The actions of the Bubble proposed during the year
La Bulle’s cultural action takes place in season, from September to June. Two cultural action paper agendas appear each year.
The cultural season 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 is very eclectic as much in form as in the background with many animations proposed. A highlight around the Cultural Olympiads closed the first part of the program on June 8, 2024.
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