Culture and Health
The interdepartmental policy "Culture in the hospital", was reaffirmed by the signing of the new convention "Culture & Health in Ile-de-France" for the period 2020/2023, signed by the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Ile-de-Francede France, the Directorate General of the Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) Ile-de-France and the association Arts et Santé, La Manufacture on November 14, 2019 at la Briqueterie - Centre de développement chorégraphique national du Val-de-Marne.
By setting up cultural projects in hospitals based on the intervention of professional artists with patients, their families and hospital staff, it promotes spaces for encounters, discovery and access to an artistic practice, between the hospital environment and the artistic and cultural world, thus helping to break down isolation and work towards greater social cohesion.
Regional context: implementation of the partnership in Ile-de-France
In each region, the implementation of this program is entrusted to the Regional Cultural Affairs Directorates (DRAC) and the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) who jointly define their priorities. Thus, on 27 January 2011, the DRAC and the ARS of Île-de-France concluded a four-year partnership agreement whose key objectives are to:
- promote the emergence of a cultural policy within the health institutions of Ile-de-France by encouraging health institutions to translate their cultural projects into their establishment project;
- facilitate the network of project promoters;
- develop communication actions to give greater visibility to the system and the actions carried out. A specific visual identity has been created in the form of a logo;
- establish new partnerships with local authorities, sponsors and other funders;
The procedure: an annual call for proposals jointly launched by DRAC and ARS
At the end of each year, a call for projects is launched for the following year in order to support and accompany artistic and cultural actions for the benefit of patients, their families and the staff of hospital structures in the Paris region. Projects must necessarily be part of a partnership between the hospital and a nearby cultural structure (theatres, libraries, museums, art centres, cinemas, companies, musical ensembles, etc.). They must also involve artists whose creative work is recognized and promote the active participation of patients and staff in artistic practice. (See link to the -Call for Proposals and Authorization (PAA) -)
Label "Culture et Santé en Ile-de-France"
For health facilities in the region since 2013, the label "Culture et Santé en Île-de-France" is one of the components of the partnership agreement "Culture et Santé" concluded by the ARS and the DRAC of Île-de-France.
Intended to enhance the health facilities of the region invested in the implementation of a quality artistic and cultural policy, its attribution, valid for a period of three years, demonstrates the acceptance of beneficiaries in a set of good practices concerning the artistic and cultural programming of health institutions in relation to:
- the diversity of artistic fields
- the intervention of recognized professional artists
- the involvement of a wide audience
- opening on the territory of establishment.
The award conditions and selection criteria are set out in the settlement and the referential of the Label. The award of this label does not give rise to any specific funding either from the ARS or the DRAC.
Opinion of CESER IDF on the theme "Art and Health"
The Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESER) of Ile-de-France has published a report on the theme "Art and Health" and delivered a particularly positive opinion on the place of culture in places of care and on the joint policy initiated by the ARS IDF and the DRAC in the regions.
The CESER Ile-de-France wanted to address the issue of artistic action in healthcare and issued a public opinion on this issue on 17 September 2013, based on a report presented by its Committee on Culture and Communication. This report is the result of an exploratory work fed by numerous hearings between 2012 and 2013.
The CESER report places access to culture in the care setting as a logical extension of the recognition of patients' rights, as a vector that helps to give a new place to the user, to improve the quality of industrial relations and the openness of institutions to the city. In particular, it identifies the following as essential conditions for the development and success of cultural actions in healthcare settings:
- the definition of a cultural component,
- identification of a cultural leader
- membership of the staff,
- the provision of means
CESER’s opinion on the Culture and Health policy led by the ARS and the DRAC of Ile-de-France."The CESER considers particularly positive the initiatives taken jointly by the ARS and the DRAC […] which have resulted, albeit with limited means, in the establishment of a genuine proactive policy of developing cultural activities in places of care". (Download the document opposite)
Culture and disability
The law of 11 February 2005 on "Equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people" dictates a series of actions concerning access to culture for people with disabilities. Among these actions is the need to:
- to make the artistic practice accessible within the places of practice
- to develop access to artistic and cultural practices within the host institutions of the medico-social sector (IME, ESAT, etc.)
The target groups are persons with disabilities, and staff of reception centres.
The projects selected must contribute to developing partnerships between medical and social institutions and local cultural institutions. They are based on the intervention of artists whose creative work is recognized. The active participation of patients and staff in artistic practice must be clearly apparent. Similarly, a time of restitution must be ensured within the hospital structure and in the cultural structure associated with the project.
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