Validation of experience acquired in obtaining cultural qualifications
- State diplomas in music and dance
Since 2006-2007, the procedure for the validation of experience acquired in order to obtain a state diploma as a music teacher and a state diploma as a dance teacher has been in operation.
The request for validation is made at the training centres for the teaching of music and dance.
From 2018 to 2020, three centres authorised to provide training leading to the award of the State diploma of dance teacher are designated by the Ministry of Culture to organize successively a session of validation of the acquired experience, namely the École Supérieure Musique et danse Hauts-de-France - Lille (ESMD) for the year 2018, the Institut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse (ISDAT), and the Pôle d'Enseignement Supérieur Musique et Danse Bordeaux-Aquitaine (PESMD). You will find all the information about this session on link.
- National degrees in plastic arts DNAT-DNAP-DNSEP
The procedure for validating prior learning for obtaining the National Diploma of Arts and Techniques (DNAT), the National Diploma of Plastic Arts (DNAP) and the National Higher Diploma of Plastic Expression (DNSEP) has been in operation since 2004-05.
The request for validation is done in 2 stages on submission of application
- Conditions to be fulfilled
Justification of 3 years of professional activity as an employee, self-employed, or volunteer. No account shall be taken of activities corresponding to the amateur practice of an art practised personally or in a family setting.
- Examination and validation centres
There are 8 examination and validation centres in France: these are the art schools of Aix-en-Provence, Besançon, Lorient, Lyon, Nantes, Rueil-Malmaison, Réunion, Toulouse and Tourcoing.
The applicant may choose the validation centre from which he will submit his application but may only submit one application in the same calendar year for the same diploma and may only apply to one school. For different diplomas, he may not submit more than 3 applications during the calendar year.
- Registration in the PACA region
Registration is sent to the art school of Aix-en-Provence, rue Emile Tavan -13100 Aix-en-Provence.
- Pricing
The applicant pays an amount of 189 euros by sending his initial application file (126 euros for job seekers). If his application is declared admissible, he must pay an additional €756 (€504 for job seekers).
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