Four months before the opening of Paris 2024, the world of culture is more than ever at the heart of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through several emblematic events, such as Archi-Folies, the Grande Collecte des archives du sport or the Cultural Olympiad. These events open doors, open doors for the public, encourage mutual discovery between culture and sport. They also allow an exploration of the deep links between the two approaches, which add cultural emotions to sports emotions.
Archi-Folies 2024
Launched on 21 November 2022 by the Ministry of Culture in La Villette, Archi-Folies 2024, labeled Cultural Olympiad, orchestrates the meeting between architecture and sport as part of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Great Collection of Sports Archives
Despite its major place in society, sport remains a field little documented by the archives. But it was before the Grande Collecte des archives du sport, an adventure that mobilizes some 175 archives services, all over France.
Culture at the heart of the Games
The Cultural Olympiad of Paris 2024 is a multidisciplinary artistic and cultural program that unfolds from 2021 to September 2024 in all French territories, through projects labeled by various cultural and sports actors. Official IOC deliverable, pillar of the Olympic Charter based on sport, education and culture, the Cultural Olympiad is also the flagship measure carried by the Ministry of Culture among the measures of the Heritage Plan which lists all 170 commitments of the State around the games.