Françoise Nyssen, Minister of Culture, launches the second edition of the National Days of Architecture to be held on 13, 14 and 15 October 2017.
The heritage of tomorrow, architecture is at the crossroads of today’s major challenges:
- ecological and climate issues through its heritage and urban dimension;
- economic issues because it nourishes activity and employment and contributes to the attractiveness of the territories;
- social issues through the link it establishes in our cities, cities and rural areas;
- scientific and innovation issues, through the ingenuity of the architects it mobilises for the well-being of users.
Like the European Heritage Days and the Music Festival, the National Days of Architecture are intended to bring together existing actions carried out by regions, departments, cities, associations, public institutions, by bringing them together under a common label. It will be an opportunity to gather children, youth and adults in a festive and educational way around architectural themes. On the program, throughout the territory: conferences, exhibitions, screenings, awards, guided tours, open doors, events offered to young audiences.
The aim of the National Architecture Days is to increase public awareness of all aspects of this discipline. Architecture is at the heart of everyday life. It is also the setting, the frame and the support that contribute to make the heritage of tomorrow. This event affirms the ambition of the Ministry of Culture to give birth to the French «a desire for architecture».
To learn more: JNA2017