Public policy of education through art and art, arts and cultural education, or EAC, is a flagship measure of cultural policies that carries in itself as many democratic issues as it poses methodological questions.

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This collective work focuses on the actors who make EAC live – teachers, artists, families, cultural mediators and bridge teachers – while giving voice to its receivers, children. From children’s literature to the Demos Orchestra, cinema, dance and modern and contemporary art, the full spectrum of arts and culture is mobilized to create a state of the art for EAC.

Contributed to this book directed by Anne Jonchery and Sylvie Octobre: Denis Adam, Cédric Barbier, Anne Barrère, Mathias Blanc, Marie-Pierre Chopin, Marie-Sylvie Claude, Philippe Coulangeon, Claire Desmitt, Emmanuel Ethis, Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer, Bénédicte Havard Duclos, Lucile Joyeux, Lénaïg Lozano, Nathalie Montoya, Julie Pereira, Cécile Richaudeau, Patrick Rayou, Nathalie Roucous and Claire Thoumelin.

Anne Jonchery is a research officer in the Department of Studies, Foresight, Statistics and Documentation of the Ministry of Culture and an associate member of the research team at the École du Louvre.

Sylvie Octobre is a research fellow in the Department of Studies, Foresight, Statistics and Documentation at the Ministry of Culture and a member of the Max Weber Centre.

ISBN: 978-2-7246-3935-3, 320p. , 23 euro

This book is co-edited by the Ministry of Culture - Department of Studies, Foresight, Statistics and Documentation and the Presses de Sciences Po.

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