Culture revenue up 3.3 billion euros in the second quarter of 2022 (+18% year-on-year rebound).


This business note published by the Department of Studies, Foresight, Statistics and Documentation (Deps-doc) measures economic activity of the market field of culture in the second quarter 2022, based on the turnover reported by enterprises to the Directorate-General for Public Finance.

“The quarterly activity of the crop market exceeds its pre-crisis level of 2019 for the third consecutive time.”

The crop merchant field displays 18% year-on-year rebound in Q2 2022 (+ EUR 3.3 billion), recording a gain of €1.4 billion (+ 7%) compared to 2019, the pre-crisis year considered “normal”.

This rebound corresponds to a growth of all cultural sectors over one year (especially those of the projection of motion pictures, of the asset management and the live performance), with the exception of near-stable sectors video game and the book.

“This is the first time that quarterly revenues from the live market show have exceeded their pre-crisis value.”


Analysis by commercial cultural sector in Q2 2022* :




€3.3bn overall quarterly gain

Top contributors:

  • Performing arts (26%)
  • Visual arts (19%)
  • advertising (17%)
  • Audiovisual and cinema (16%)

18% rebound over one year for the commercial field of culture

  • Growth in the film projection, heritage management and live entertainment sectors
  • Virtual stability of video game and book industries


*Details of the method, data and classification of cultural activities pages 19 to 22.

Ludovic Bourlès, Yann Nicolas

Collection Economic Outlook Note, 2022#4, 24p., October 2022

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Economic analysis of culture turnover in Q2 2022

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