Entries for the 2023 Recruitment of State Architects and Planners (AUE) competition are open until December 13, 2022. On this occasion, two information meetings were organized in the chapel of the Récollets in Paris, on 28 and 30 September, by the Regional Council of the Order of Architects of Ile-de-France (CROAIF) and the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of Ile-de-France.


The information meetings helped to promote the AUE and to present a complete vision of this body: trade, skills mobilized, prior training, status and career, competition tests.

Four to five Architects and Planners of the State (AUE) of the two ministries, Ecological transition and Culture, spoke about their experiences and journeys, and answered live questions from participants.

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Information meetings on the competition and the AUE organized in the chapel of the Récollets. Samanta Deruvo, Benjamin Aba-Perea, Jean-Marc Zuretti, Katya Samardzic, Isabelle Michard-Thion, Émilie CAM © dr

The one-year post-concussion training is provided jointly by theÉcole des Ponts ParisTech and theChaillot SchoolIt prepares students for the missions, responsibilities and supervisory functions they will have to perform within the State services.

The speakers

DRAC: Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs/ Ministry of Culture

DRIEAT: Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of Environment, Planning and Transport/ Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion

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  • Benjamin ABA-PEREA, architect of the Buildings of France/ DRAC IdF-departmental unit architecture and heritage UDAP 95
  • Émilie CAM, Head of Sustainable Development and Knowledge of Territory / DRIEAT – departmental unit UD 75
  • Samanta DERUVO, architect of the Buildings of France / DRAC IdF–departmental architecture and heritage unit UDAP 75
  • Isabelle MICHARD-THION, Deputy Head of Department / DRAC IdF – Architecture and Heritage Spaces SRAEP
  • Florence MOTTES, Deputy Head of the Sites and Landscape Department, Site Inspector/ DRIEAT of Île-de-France
  • Katya SAMARDZIC, Architectural Consultant / DRAC IdF – Regional Architecture and Heritage Spaces Service SRAEP
  • Jean-Marc ZURETTI, Head of Department / DRAC IdF – Regional Architecture and Heritage Spaces Department SRAEP
  • Antoine MONPERT, Assistant to the Director of the École de Chaillot, responsible for training the AUE
Vidéo de la réunion d'information dédiée aux AUE à la chapelle des Récollets
Presentation for the recruitment of architects & urban planners of the State

The meeting develops four chapters: - the stakes - the architects & urban planners of the State - their professional life - their recruitment

Download the SEA document