The State, Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes have jointly set up a call for projects that encourage the processes of knowledge and valorisation of the memories of the 20th and 21st centuries in the region.

The call for projects “memories of the 20th and 21st centuries” 2023

Conceived in a spirit of co-production of cultural products bringing together researchers, artists, local population around the same project rather than in that of gathering scholarly knowledge on a passive object.

The main themes projects are concerned with memories of major conflicts, memories of work and memories of migration.
However, it is now possible to submit memorial projects on other themes insofar as they make sense in the regional territory and insofar as the application complies with the different criteria of this call for projects.

The projects supported will focus on articulated research to cultural or heritage action, in order to mobilize the past in contemporary actions. Particular attention is paid to:

- the scientific guarantee of the project (involvement of researchers in action research or in a scientific committee)

- the implementation of a cultural project affecting a non-academic audience either in the context of a promotion of a research: general public publication, film, exhibition, radio program..., or in the context of an artistic work or a project of patrimonial mediation offering a new look at the memory of a territory or a social group.

This annual call for projects comprises 1 session, it is published in the call for projects area  DRAC and Regional Council.

Applications are submitted to a committee of experts composed of cultural professionals and scientists

Publication of the 2023 winners

lauréats 2023 de l'appel à projet mémoires des XXème et XXIème siècles.pdf

pdf - 462 Ko