After the long period of closure of cultural places that we have known, the European Heritage Days will offer everyone the opportunity to gather around the richness of French heritage with a unifying theme: “Heritage for All, Together, Let Heritage Live.”

In mainland France as in the overseas territories, public and private owners of historic monuments, associations for the preservation and enhancement of heritage, restorers and curators of heritage properties, Guide speakers and architects will mobilize to welcome the public in a multitude of places.

Launched in 2019, the Look up, look up! », in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, will be renewed this year on Friday, September 17. School audiences will thus be able to discover or rediscover the heritage of their region, and to awaken to the importance of its protection and valorization.

The Council of the European Union has also chosen 2021 as the European Year of Rail. The railway heritage, which bears witness to the history of rail in our country, will be particularly highlighted.

More than ever in this special year, the Ministry of Culture and its partners are mobilizing to give all French people the opportunity to meet, share, learn and marvel together.

The full programme of the 2021 European Heritage Days will be available online during the summer on:

Once again this year, the European Heritage Days will be supported by the Lidl Group, the French Federation of Vintage Vehicles (FFVE) and the Renault Foundation.