The 100% Arts and Cultural Education (EAC) label aims to distinguish communities engaged in a project aimed at the benefit of a quality artistic and cultural education for 100% of the young people of their territory.

Presentation of the device

What is Arts and Cultural Education (EAC)?

Arts and Cultural Education (EAC) is an art education and an art education. It is a coherent path that combines the attendance of works, the meeting with artists and professionals of culture, the acquisition of knowledge and artistic practice. By contributing to the development of creativity and critical thinking in children and young people, arts and cultural education allows them to give meaning to their experiences and better understand the world. The generalization of the EAC implies the mobilization of all territorial, ministerial, artistic, cultural, associative actors, to develop actions closer to the territories.

Charte pour l'éducation artistique et culturelle

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Qu'est-ce que le label 100% EAC ?

Logo Label 100 pour cent EAC

The 100% EAC label values a commitment, a partnership approach and a strategy to achieve the generalization of arts and cultural education in the territory. The label is awarded by the regional prefect and the rector of the academy for a renewable period of five years, after the advice of the decentralized services (rectorate and regional directorate of cultural affairs), which can mobilize other experts. The High Council for Arts and Cultural Education (HCEAC), meeting in plenary on 17 December 2021 in the presence of ministers in charge of culture and national education, has officially launched the process of labelling «100% EAC» for communities and intercommunalities.

Label 100% EAC - session 2023.pdf

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Les avantages du label

Ce label apporte une dynamique nationale pour donner de la visibilité à l’engagement des collectivités. Il aide à renforcer la cohérence de l'action, à dépasser les cloisonnements, fédérer les acteurs, mobiliser d’autres partenaires, pérenniser les dispositifs et développer de nouveaux projets. Il ne s'accompagne pas d'une subvention supplémentaire.

Would you like to know more about the EAC label? Go here:

Am I concerned by this approach?


A question?

If you have any questions about the 100% EAC label, please contact the General Delegation for Transmission, Territories and Cultural Democracy (DG2TDC):

Directorate-General for Participation in Cultural Life and General Secretariat of the HCEAC
Corporate Secretary:
Project Manager: ; 06 66 80 89 28
182 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris

The filing for the year 2023 is now closed. 

Useful documents

Charte pour l'éducation artistique et culturelle.pdf

pdf - 993 Ko

Guide pratique pour l'état des lieux territorial.pdf

pdf - 264 Ko

Label EAC - session 2023.pdf

pdf - 3 Mo

Territoires labellisés EAC 2022-2027.pdf

pdf - 653 Ko

Exemples de réalisations par les territoires labellisés 100_EAC 2022-2027.pdf

pdf - 621 Ko