This convention is a continuation of the work carried out in 2010 at the
following a report by the General Inspection of Cultural Affairs
conditions for the creation of print media outlets. The publication
of this report led to the creation of two working groups
one, to simplify the procedures for installing newsstands
on the public domain and, the other, to identify the financial conditions specific to
implement a plan to install 320 new kiosks
by the end of 2012.
The press booth is a significant response to the trade crisis
traditional. Installed on the public road in agreement with the municipalities, it does not
under increasing pressure from land prices and can
move to the busiest intersection, closer to the needs of
buyers. This flexibility of installation, combined with an economic model
supported by additional advertising revenues partly explains the
dynamism of a homogeneous network with more than 760 sales outlets
in 160 communes.
But while the kiosks have shown that they meet the challenges of trade,
cultural proximity, the creation of new sales outlets remains
hindered by the excessive duration of implantation procedures. Through
the Convention, the signatories undertake to work towards a
unified procedure on the territory that will clarify the rules
in the installation of kiosks, and to reduce delays
procedures for any new implementation. This better
legibility of the applicable rules should be the subject of a better
information of local authorities through a distributed charter
in French municipalities.
The convention also formalises the commitment of press publishers and
public authorities to support and develop the economic activity of
kiosks, notably through a diversification of their resources, as well as
new sales outlets. This second
commitment was the subject of an initial envelope from the Ministry of Culture
and Communication through the funding provided by the
Modernization of the Press (FDM) at the installation 27 new kiosks in
2010. This co-funding of the FDM and publishers should be subject to a
new public contribution of €2 million over the two
coming years.