The "Vocabulary of sustainable development" presents 610 new terms and concepts published in the Official Journal of the French Republic. Accessible to all on the FranceTerme website of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, they allow to express in French and accurately translate all the issues of the fight against climate change.

Marrakech 2016: the world has an appointment with the future of the planet. After Paris in 2015, which hosted and chaired the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (Capital Master Plan 11, CMP11), it is Morocco that receives and chairs, from 7 to 18 November 2016 in Marrakech, the 22nd Conference of the Parties (CDP22/CMP12). These deadlines are crucial and must result in universal and binding agreements to effectively combat climate change and to initiate the transition to low-carbon societies and economies.

The French language, which has been one of the Secretariat’s two working languages since 1946 United Nations, is also the second language learned around the world. The Francophonie, with 274 million speakers on five continents, is therefore long and relentlessly involved in international negotiations on the environment and sustainable development.

This book, reprinted in 2016 with the support of the OIF and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, testifies to a shared desire to make the French language a vector of influence in the service of a cause shared by all Francophone countries.

With the Vocabulary of sustainable development, discover the key words of COP22

Sustainable development
A development policy that seeks to reconcile environmental protection, economic efficiency and social justice in order to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own.

Greenhouse effect
Phenomenon of heating of the Earth’s surface and the lower layers of the atmosphere, due to the fact that some gases in the atmosphere absorb and return part of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth, the latter compensating for the solar radiation that it absorbs itself. The gases that cause this, such as water vapour, carbon dioxide or methane, are called greenhouse gases.

Manufacture, from objects or materials of recovery, of products of higher value than the objects or materials of origin.

Positive energy building
Bioclimatic building designed to produce on average more energy than it consumes.

The energy surplus, made possible by the building’s advanced thermal insulation, the orientation of its openings and the economy of uses, is due to equipment using only renewable energies, such as photovoltaic. Surplus electrical energy may be returned to the public power grid.

Do not confuse similar concepts:

Keystone species and umbrella species

Keystone species
Species whose disappearance would compromise the structure and functioning of an ecosystem. A keystone species is characterized by the quality, number and importance of its links with its habitat and other species. Example: the wolf.

Umbrella species
Species whose habitat must be conserved for other species to be conserved, some of which are rare and threatened. Examples: otter, tiger and giant panda.

Green economy and circular economy

Green economy
An economy characterized by investments and technical provisions aimed at avoiding, reducing or eliminating pollution and, in particular, carbon dioxide emissions, while making the best use of available energy resources. Green economy innovations help create jobs.

Circular economy
Organization of economic and social activities using modes of production, consumption and exchange based on ecodesign, repair, reuse and recycling, and aimed at reducing the resources used and the damage caused to the environment.

English/French: translate without error

Compensatory payment for deficiency payment
Price guarantee method whereby, when the market price of a product falls below the fixed price, the State pays the difference to the producers

Waste reduction for waste prevention
All measures and actions that, from the design to the distribution of a product, aim to reduce the diversity, quantity and harmfulness of waste.

Discover new concepts and words:

Set of driving practices that allow the driver to reduce the vehicle’s energy consumption and limit wear and tear.

Hydrobiologist specialized in diatoms. Diatoms are unicellular brown algae, used as indicators of water quality.

Substance produced by individuals of one species, which induces, in those of another species, a favorable reaction to the emitting species. An allomone can be, for example, a substance repulsive or toxic to phytophage insects, or a perfume, emitted by a flower, attracting pollinating insects.

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Vocabulary of sustainable development (2015)

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