«Pour de Nouvelles Ruralités» is a programme of actions, focused on the Architecture and Landscapes of everyday life, bringing together the six Regional Natural Parks of the Great East. It aims to revitalize rural areas, to encourage the emergence of pilot operations that accompany the challenges of transition and to strengthen the culture in architecture and landscape of the actors of the territories.  This call for applications 2023, for 4 architectural residences, participate in this program, it is open to qualified architects and landscape designers.

An approach implemented and supported by:

PNR des Ardennes - PNR des Ballons des Vosges - PNR de Lorraine - PNR de la Forêt d'Orient - PNR de la Montagne de Reims - PNR des Vosges du Nord. With the support of the Grand Est Region and the partnership of the DRAC Grand Est and Architecture Region.

Objectives of the residences

Architecture and landscape residences are designed as exploratory studies. They are intended to contribute to
to open the eyes of the inhabitants and local actors on contemporary issues related to the territories. They must also stimulate debate on architectural production, uses and lifestyles as well as on the links between housing and the local environment, whether urban, natural or agricultural.

Each architecture and landscape residence is a cultural project creating the conditions for a meeting between architects and/or landscapers and elected officials, inhabitants, local actors, on a territory and in a specific context. This multidisciplinary meeting allows us to collectively imagine possible “futures”:

  • Explore local issues based on co-construction work with local stakeholders;
  • Develop new programs capable of meeting contemporary needs: housing, third-party sites, etc.;
  • Revitalize existing fabrics: town centres, derelict areas, vacant buildings, etc.;
  • Limit the consumption of land;
  • Value the entrepreneurial fabric and local resources;
  • Question landscapes - natural, agricultural, urban- in the light of the challenges of ecological transition.

4 residences in 2023

The call for applications is open for the four architecture and landscape residences that will take place in 2023 on the
following sites:
VERZENAY, PNR de la Montagne de Reims
WINGEN-SUR-MODER, PNR des Vosges du Nord
Community of communes of THIERACHE: LE FRETY, AOUSTE, LIART (multisite residence), PNR of the Ardennes.

Who can apply?

Qualified architects and landscapers, individually or in teams. Each team can respond on multiple sites, but will only be retained on one site. The teams propose a methodology for the course of the residency: organization, proposed activities, time spent on site...

The consultation files will be freely accessible via public platforms, on the sites of each Natural Park
Regional and on the site «Pour de Nouvelles Ruralités»

2023 Schedule

From 15 April: launch of invitations to tender for residence teams
Mid-May: receipt of tenders
Early June: Launch of residences
November: restitution of the residences
December: public restitution of the synthesis of residences

A question? Candidater?

Website "For rural news"

Instagram: @forural news

Contact: Ana Vida, PNR coordinator - contact@vida.archi - 01 88 32 56 72

Download the call for applications

PNR_Communique presse_appel à candidatures_avril 2023.pdf

pdf - 4 Mo