Base de données bibliographiques "Malraux"
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   Etablissements              ISBD
CNAUExcavations at Stamford Castle, 1971-76 / Mahany (C.). - 1977
in : Etudes de castellologie médiévale ; 8. - p. 224-245
CNAUExcavations in Stamford Lincolnshire 1963-1969 / Mahany (C.), Burchard (A.), Simpson (G.). - London : Society of Medieval archaeology, 1982. - 186 p., 10 pl. ; 25 cm + 4 plans + 1 microfiche. - (The Society of Medieval archaeology). - ISSN0583-9106
CNAUThe town / Mahany (C.). - London : Society of Medieval archaeology, 1982
in : Excavations in Stamford Lincolnshire 1963-1969. - p. 1-12
DRAC Centre ; SRAThe pottery industry of Stamford, Linconshire, c.A.D. 850-1250 : Its manufacture, trade and relationship with continental wares, with a classifiacation and chronology/ Kathy Kilmurry. - Oxford : BAR, 1980. - 347 p. : ill. ; 30 cm (BAR British Series ; 84). - ISBN 0-86054-109-6

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Requête   ((STAMFORD) :MATR )
Relations   Synonymes=1, Spécifiques=3, Génériques=0