85 Paintings from the Collections of the Louvre

Scientific Analysis

The major Corot retrospective, shown in Paris and Ottawa and later in New York, celebrating the second centenary of the birth of Camille Corot, has led the Research Labotory of the Museums of France to publish a CD-ROM. In conjonction with the Painting Departement of the Louvre Museum, the Restoration Departement of the Museums of France, the French Departement of International Affairs and the RMN - the Federation of French Museum.

An introductory guided tour of the historical, iconographic and technical notes

Viewing of these works by Corot is linked with a series of huistorical, iconographic and technical commentaries to which have been added an eight-language technical glossary, two glossaries on the iconography and containing explainations of hypertext terms, and an overview of the research work which has been done.

A guided tour of the database overview helps the reader understand and interpret the scientific information and highlights Important discoveries for the guidance of the intellectually curious.

Corot's paintings viewed in high definition true colour

The collector of images and documents relating to the work of Camille Corot in the hands of the Laboratory and Restoration Departements of the museums of France and those held by the RMN and Giraudon photographic agencies haver been digitized in a very high level of definition. Each painting can be examined in greatly magnified detail.

This CD-ROM premieres four major technical innovations

Easy navigation in three languages

An introductory screen offers:

The data sheet on each painting offers:

Art & Science Collection

Since 1993, the Direction des Musées de France, the central authority for France's Museums, has headed the "Art & Science" collection in co-production with the RMN (the Federation of French Museums), MCF/DAI (the French Departement of International Affairs) and the private company EURITIS. The Art & Science collection is a series of specialist CD-ROMs in the field of fine art conservation.

To date, four titles have been published:


This CD-ROM is available in three languages: French, English and Italian.

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L.R.M.F Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France
6, Rue des Pyramides, 75041 Paris Cedex 01 France