Title : Excavation techniques
Like any other underwater site, the site of Colletière is rich in lessons about architectural types, ways of life, environment,etc.

Rapidly and definitely immersed owing to a progressive water rise, the site has been preserved from the usual factors of defacement such as a new occupation of the settlement or natural conditions.

As immersion allows the preservation of organic remnants, the first source of information was rich. When the excavation campaign started in 1972, it was thus essential to set a reliable method and to work out a complete documentation. Moreover, as it is a stratified settlement, the observations had to be as precise as on a land site, in order to obtain a satisfying level of interpretation.

The piles in Colletière
Global view of the land excavations The procedure of stratigraphic scouring, essential to a good understanding of a site, was particularly difficult to adapt to an underwater site. Anyway it has been a success thanks to a strict organization and a constant questioning about the methods to use, such as " locker " excavations, setting of the triangulation for underwater excavations and land operations. That is how several techniques have been used either separately or not, to take the one thousand years old inhabitants out of the water.
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